position: Home Products Test Systems Customer-specific examples

Customer specific function test system for actuators

Scope of testing:

  • Noise level

  • High voltage test

  • Protective conductor test

  • Speed counterclockwise/clockwise rotation

  • Pin assignment of the potentiometer / direction of rotation

  • Pin assignment of the motor / direction of rotation

  • Independent linearity of the potentiometer with rising/falling characteristic [%]

The test system controls the flawless function of actuators. These serve the positioning of various adjusting shafts within pressure machines where a potentiometer serves as an integrated feedback system. The noise level will be evaluated via the user (subjective) with a verity test where the user can enter the test area. The light curtain can be deactivated via a setting of the switching matrix. The independent linearity, rise, rotation speed and the current consumption will be evaluated via the complete Poti range via the system whether at a rising or at a falling characteristic curve.